11 09, 2019

Aboriginal Title


In 1973, the Supreme Court of Canada confirmed that unextinguished Aboriginal title continued to exist in parts of Canada, though at the time the interest was considered to be a right held by Indigenous communities to simply to possess (not necessarily exclusively) and use the lands. This right was also considered to be subject [...]

Aboriginal Title2020-07-06T09:12:19-04:00
11 09, 2019

Métis Rights


Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, protects the existing Aboriginal rights of the “aboriginal peoples of Canada”, which includes the Métis. Aboriginal rights are modern-day practices, customs or traditions that are integral to Indigenous communities today and have their roots in the community’s practices, customs and traditions prior to contact with explorers and [...]

Métis Rights2021-04-12T18:05:47-04:00
11 09, 2019

Historic Treaty Rights


The Supreme Court of Canada has held that a Treaty between the Crown and Indigenous peoples is unique. It is neither created nor terminated according to the rules of international law. The term “Historic Treaty” refers to Treaties that were negotiated an entered into by representatives of the British Crown and the Indigenous peoples [...]

Historic Treaty Rights2020-07-06T09:07:32-04:00
10 09, 2019

Aboriginal Rights


Aboriginal rights are modern-day practices, customs or traditions that are integral to Indigenous communities today and have their roots in the community’s practices, customs and traditions prior to contact with explorers and traders arriving from Europe. Although traceable to pre-contact practices, the practice protected today will not be frozen in its historical form, and [...]

Aboriginal Rights2020-07-06T09:03:19-04:00
10 09, 2019

Human Rights


HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Human rights are rights that we all have by virtue of our shared humanity. In Canada, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides constitutional protection for these rights, including the right for everyone to be equal before and under the law. Federal, provincial and territorial human rights laws also [...]

Human Rights2019-10-18T12:19:21-04:00
10 09, 2019

Negotiations and ADR


RESOLVING LEGAL DISPUTES: ALTERNATIVES TO LITIGATION All legal issues are essentially a dispute: two (or more) parties cannot agree on the interpretation or enforcement of their legal obligations. While the resolution of legal disputes is often conflated with the adversarial court system, in fact there exist a wide range of “alternatives” to litigation. The [...]

Negotiations and ADR2021-01-28T14:02:14-05:00
20 04, 2018

2018 Federal Budget


Finance Minister Bill Morneau met with the Economic Club of Canada to review the Government of Canada’s new Budget 2018 “Equality + Growth: A Strong Middle Class”. Similar to Finance Canada’s previous estimates, the Federal Government will be running a deficit. (Please see: http://nationalpost.com/news/politics/read-the-full-text-of-the-2018-federal-budget to read Minister Morneau’s full speech.) Canada indicates that the Budget [...]

2018 Federal Budget2019-09-26T13:08:06-04:00
24 07, 2017

The Government of Canada releases 10 guiding principles for its relationship with Indigenous Peoples


Summary The Government of Canada recognizes that: All relations with Indigenous peoples need to be based on the recognition and implementation of their right to self-determination, including the inherent right of self-government. Reconciliation is a fundamental purpose of section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. The honour of the Crown guides the conduct of the [...]

The Government of Canada releases 10 guiding principles for its relationship with Indigenous Peoples2019-09-26T13:10:48-04:00
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