4 12, 2020

Federal Government Tables Legislation (Bill C-15) to Implement UNDRIP


Yesterday, December 3, 2020, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada introduced in Parliament Bill C-15, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act. The purpose of this Bill is to affirm the United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Declaration) as a universal, international, human [...]

Federal Government Tables Legislation (Bill C-15) to Implement UNDRIP2020-12-04T11:19:00-05:00
11 09, 2019

Aboriginal Title


In 1973, the Supreme Court of Canada confirmed that unextinguished Aboriginal title continued to exist in parts of Canada, though at the time the interest was considered to be a right held by Indigenous communities to simply to possess (not necessarily exclusively) and use the lands. This right was also considered to be subject [...]

Aboriginal Title2020-07-06T09:12:19-04:00
11 09, 2019

Métis Rights


Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, protects the existing Aboriginal rights of the “aboriginal peoples of Canada”, which includes the Métis. Aboriginal rights are modern-day practices, customs or traditions that are integral to Indigenous communities today and have their roots in the community’s practices, customs and traditions prior to contact with explorers and [...]

Métis Rights2021-04-12T18:05:47-04:00
10 09, 2019

Aboriginal Rights


Aboriginal rights are modern-day practices, customs or traditions that are integral to Indigenous communities today and have their roots in the community’s practices, customs and traditions prior to contact with explorers and traders arriving from Europe. Although traceable to pre-contact practices, the practice protected today will not be frozen in its historical form, and [...]

Aboriginal Rights2020-07-06T09:03:19-04:00
9 08, 2017

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples


August 9, 2017, marks the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. On this day and everyday, Westaway Law Group celebrates indigenous peoples across Canada and across the globe. Happy International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples!

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples2019-09-26T13:10:16-04:00
24 07, 2017

The Government of Canada releases 10 guiding principles for its relationship with Indigenous Peoples


Summary The Government of Canada recognizes that: All relations with Indigenous peoples need to be based on the recognition and implementation of their right to self-determination, including the inherent right of self-government. Reconciliation is a fundamental purpose of section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. The honour of the Crown guides the conduct of the [...]

The Government of Canada releases 10 guiding principles for its relationship with Indigenous Peoples2019-09-26T13:10:48-04:00
15 05, 2017

The Expert Panel on the Modernization of the National Energy Board releases its report


The Report of the Expert Panel on the Modernization of the National Energy Board released its report with recommendations and advice. The Government of Canada is accepting comments on the report for 30 days, until June 14, 2017. Read the full report here

The Expert Panel on the Modernization of the National Energy Board releases its report2017-05-25T10:04:04-04:00
6 04, 2017

The Expert Panel on Environmental Assessment’s Report Released


The Final Report of the Expert Panel for the Review of Environmental Assessment Processes has been released. Read the full report here:

The Expert Panel on Environmental Assessment’s Report Released2017-04-25T15:08:58-04:00
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