15 10, 2019

Independent Investigations and Public Inquiries


“Starting now, we all have an opportunity to show leadership, courage and conviction in helping heal the wounds of the past as we make a path towards a more just, more fair and more loving country.” - Hon. Senator Murray Sinclair Content warning: harassment (including sexual harassment), trauma, violence, and missing and murdered Indigenous [...]

Independent Investigations and Public Inquiries2019-10-17T12:06:29-04:00
26 09, 2019

Law Reform


“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” - J K Rowling Law reform (or “legal reform”) refers to the process of examining existing laws, and advocating and implementing changes in a legal system, usually with [...]

Law Reform2019-10-11T10:43:19-04:00
11 09, 2019

Aboriginal Title


In 1973, the Supreme Court of Canada confirmed that unextinguished Aboriginal title continued to exist in parts of Canada, though at the time the interest was considered to be a right held by Indigenous communities to simply to possess (not necessarily exclusively) and use the lands. This right was also considered to be subject [...]

Aboriginal Title2020-07-06T09:12:19-04:00
11 09, 2019

Métis Rights


Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, protects the existing Aboriginal rights of the “aboriginal peoples of Canada”, which includes the Métis. Aboriginal rights are modern-day practices, customs or traditions that are integral to Indigenous communities today and have their roots in the community’s practices, customs and traditions prior to contact with explorers and [...]

Métis Rights2021-04-12T18:05:47-04:00
10 09, 2019

Aboriginal Rights


Aboriginal rights are modern-day practices, customs or traditions that are integral to Indigenous communities today and have their roots in the community’s practices, customs and traditions prior to contact with explorers and traders arriving from Europe. Although traceable to pre-contact practices, the practice protected today will not be frozen in its historical form, and [...]

Aboriginal Rights2020-07-06T09:03:19-04:00
10 09, 2019

Consultation and Accommodation


Since it was first articulated by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2004, the law on the duty to consult and, if appropriate, accommodate claimed and established Aboriginal and Treaty rights has helped to promote the economic development of Aboriginal lands and communities. The duty means that federal and provincial governments must take the [...]

Consultation and Accommodation2020-07-06T09:18:51-04:00
11 08, 2017

Yahey v. British Columbia, 2017 BCSC 899


No Injunction to Protect Treaty Rights in B.C. PDF Download     Word Download In this case, the Supreme Court of British Columbia dismissed the application of Blueberry River First Nation for an interlocutory injunction. The First Nation asked that the Province stop all further permitting of industrial development in segments of its traditional [...]

Yahey v. British Columbia, 2017 BCSC 8992018-09-11T11:41:36-04:00
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